Ep. 10 Escaping from the Kriegers Nest (11/2/00)
Locomotive aka Zeph (Ed Goldstein)
Capt. Chameleon (Hilary Goldstein)
Green Lantern (Tom Tibbals/Absent)
Emerald Dawn (Amy Crittenden)
Mr. Mentalo (Tom Brittain)
Dr. Kreiger
Dog Soldiers
Location- Dr. Kreigers Secret Lair
Date- A dark and rainy night on Halloween, Friday 31 October, 1941
Mr. Mentalo, long on hiatus from adventuring due to his duties at the Sanitarium, initiated the mind link he kept with his fellow adventurers Chameleon and Locamotive. After establishing contact they filled him in on the fact that they had been captured by Dr. Kreiger and that they needed some help. Being Halloween, Mr. Mentalo donned a straight jacket and headed out on the rain slick streets in one of the Sanitariums transport trucks in search for his comrades.
After the initial shock of finding themselves the captives of the evil Dr. Kreiger, our heroes set out to escape the confines of the meat locker they were trapped in. Chameleon turned invisilble in hopes of keeping out of sight from the dog soldiers posted on guard duty inside the ice box but they were able to see through his ploy and charged in on the attack. Chameleon did manage to get out of the ropes in time to dodge the dogs initial attacks and began fighting back himself. Locamotive took this opportunity to slip his bonds off the hook and do a butt plant on the floor for it. He then cast about the room looking for some clues to report to Mr. Mentalo on their whereabouts. Locamotive and Chameleon soon made short work of their attackers. After a few side kicks from Chameleon, the dog soldier he was fighting went down and after Locamotive caught his attacker in a bear hug it was all over. They then left the room and began exploring their surroundings. They found that they had been hanging in a meat locker in the wine celler of some mansion. They took the stairs leading up and found themselves in the main kitchen. From there they could hear some music coming from close by and found the butlers room nearby. The butler was inside listening to the radio and soon Locamotive and Chameleon were able to find out that Dr. Kreiger was planning something in the ballroom.
As Mr. Mentalo drove through the rain he tried using his mental ties to Locamotive and Chameleon to devine their location. After several attempts he managed to get an idea of where they might be and headed in that direction in hopes of actually being correct.
In another part of the house Emerald Dawn was facing a similar situation. Her hands and feet were manacled to the walls of a dungeon like room somewhere in that very same mansion. Torture equipment of all kinds littered the room where she stood trapped. She contorted out of her bonds and soon heard the sounds of a key scraping in the lock in the door to the room. She hid as best she could as two dog soldiers and Delilah entered the room. Delilah ordered the dogs to search for Emerald as she stood preparing a spell and blocking the door. Emerald soon sprung into action and catapulted into an acrobatic dive acrossed the room and into the the second dog soldier in hopes of knocking it into Delilah. Unfortunately she was unable to move it and rebounded off its chest. Delilah took that moment to cast a web spell on Emerald who through great effort managed to rip her way out of it. She then launched another attack on Delilah, kicking her way back into the hallway before sprinting down the hall and away from her assailants. The stone hallway she ran down wound its way higher and higher and as she heard the sounds of pursuit behind her she came to a wood panaled door at the end. She managed to find a hidden button on the panel that slid it open as the sound of the dog soldier behind her grew ever closer. Emerald found herself in a wine celler and as she dashed through it she pushed racks of wine over, sending them crashing to the ground. She then bolted up the stairs into the kitchen and ran into Locamotive and Chameleon as they cast about for matches. Without saying a word, Emerald took the matches, lit them and threw them down into the celler in hopes of lighting the wine on fire.
Mr. Mentalo followed the mental emenations from Locamotive and Chameleon and tracked them to an old mansion north of Chicago. He parked the truck next to the imposing outer wall and climbed over the truck to jump down onto the mansion grounds. As he walked towards the front door he sited two thugs standing outside and reported this to Locamotive. Before he could do anything about them he began to hear the barking of dogs.
Soon sounds of pursuit diminished and our heroes were able to regroup. Emerald asked the butler where the phone was and went directly to it to the surprise of the two thugs posted as guards in front of the ballroom. They began moving towards her and pulling out guns but the one by the door was kicked into unconciousness by Chameleon and the other was kicked into unconsiousness by Emerald and she was able to call out for help from the police virtually unhindered.
Mr. Mentalo dealt with the dogs by mind blasting them into unconsiousness as Locamotive charged out of the Mansion and pounded one of the thugs into la-la land. Mr. Mentalo then used his mind blast to put the other thug down. Soon all four of our heroes were standing in front of the door. Chameleon then asked Locamotive to provide them an entrance and he charged head first through the doors of the ballroom.
Inside the ballroom light was dimly cast by candles and the tables and chairs were all stacked neatly against the walls. Our heroes were confronted inside by Professor Kreiger, Delilah (who mysteriously managed to escape the celler), Wraithe wearing a cast for his jaw and several thugs and dog soldiers spoiling for a fight. Professor Krieger soon gave them the option of either dancing with him and his villianous friends in the ballroom or running off into the night to attend a special Halloween party. It soon dawned on Chameleon that Professor Krieger had sent the Jade Jaguar off to eat his friends at the Halloween dance at Shurz HS and that they only had about 10 minutes to get there before the kids there doomed. Chameleon managed to convince Locamotive, Emerald and Mr. Mentalo that they would have to leave the mansion in a hurry and they were all soon crowding into Mr. Mentalo's van and heading back towards the dimly lit streats of Chicago, hoping against hope to avert the tragedy Professor Krieger had planned.
Will our heroes get there in time to save the kids at Shurz HS?
Will they manage to remove the curse from Tim or will he forever be
the Jade Jaguar?
Will Green Lantern ever regain his ring and lantern?
Why was Mr. Mentalo missing for so long?
Hopefully this and many more questions will be answered in the next adventures of Cpt. Chameleon and his Freedom Friends!!
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