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Ep.11-  Hunt for the Jade Jaguar (11/16/00)

Chameleon (Hilary Goldstein/Absent)
Locomotive aka Zeph  (Ed Goldstein)
Mr. Mentalo (Thomas Brittan)
Green Lantern/Quasimodaius (Tom Tibbals)
Emerald Dawn (Amy Crittenden)

Jade Jaguar
FBI Agent Warren

Location-  Dr. Kreiger's Safe House, Hudson Bay Docs

Date-  Saturday, 1 Nov.. 1941

After confronting Dr. Kreiger and discovering that he had sent the Jade Jaguar off to kill the kids at Shurz HS, Chameleon convinces everybody to take off and find the Jaguar before it could perform its duty.  Chameleon, Locomotive, Green Lantern all piled into Mr. Mentalo's barrowed Mental Instatute transport van.  Emerald at first resisted since the van was all white and she was convinced that it was bad luck but she was forced by the rest of the guys to ride along.  Driving through the streets of Chicago, the group started noticing signs of wrechage along the street typical of the damage that the Jade Jaguar was capable of creating.  Soon they came upon an El car that was hanging half way off the tracks.  A huge gaping hole on the side of the car was their only clue as to what had happened.  Chameleon decided to climb up to the car and check out the car invisibly.  What he found shocked him, everybody on the El car had been torn to pieces.  Blood was everywhere and the bodies of the passengers were strewn all about.  Chameleon did hear somebody crying out in pain and found that a young woman had survived.  He told the rest of the group to go on ahead and get the Jaguar while he transported the girl to safety.

As Mr. Mentalo drove the Mental Mobile through the seemingly deserted streets of Chicago, he started noticing strange pot-holes in the middle of the road.  They almost looked like huge paw prints tracing their way through the city streets.  The early morning fog from the bay had begun to come in casting eiry shapes in the light of the cars headlights.  Suddenly from out of the shadows loomed a huge shape that could only be an elephant or some other crazy beast.  Upon closer inspection it appeared to be the Jade Jaguar no the size of a tank and twice as mean.  Mr. Mentalo floored the accelerator and got the Mental Mobile up to ramming spead and rammed the monster in the posterior.  For a moment everything seemed to slow down but jarred back into motion as the front of the vehicle slammed into the rear of the beast.  This only served to enrage it and it began chasing after Mr. Mentalo and the heroes who then began leading it off towards the bay.

Reaching the warehouse district, Green Lantern decided to slip on the ring and fire off some blasts at the pursuing Jade Jaguar.  Putting on the ring caused his whole body to go into convulsions forcing Locamotive to hold him down while his body went under a horrific transformation.  The beast that appeared after the convulsions concluded looked like a demon stepping out of the bible with claws, fangs, a pointed tail and hunched back.  Green Lantern then heard the voice of the demon at the back of his mind demanding to be allowed to take control and cause mayhem.  Green Lantern instead decided to fire a few blasts at the pursuing Jaguar, enraging it further.

Mr. Mentalo and the guys on the Mental Mobile lured the Jade Jaguar to the old docs near the Charlie Tuna Factory, site of their first meeting.  Fortunately a cargo ship had been moored close by.  Green Lantern jumped out of the Mental Mobile in order lure the Jade Jaguar closer to the cargo ship while the rest of the group drove ahead to scope out the place and possibly lay a trap for the Jaguar.  Unfortunately for the Green Lantern, the Jaguar ran faster then he could leap and he was soon caught in the jaws of the beast.  It snapped it's head back and flung him like a rag doll into the chilling waters of the nearby bay.  Meanwhile Emerald had climbed up into the operators cab of a huge loading crane and was getting ready to trap the Jaguar in a huge net.  Locamotive jumped out and tried to entice the Jaguar into position while Emerald strove to figure out the controls of the crane.  Eventually after several unsuccessful attempts she managed to get the thing to lift up, wrapping the Jaguar in a hauling net made of steel cable.  He dangled there for a while trying to swipe at anything that came by but Locamotive eventually got into the cab and got things steered over to the nearby cargo ship.

Emerald decided to take this time to leap from the cab of the loading crane onto the back of the jaguar and distract it while Locamotive swung the Jaguar over to the cargo ship.  Unfortunately she bungled her attempt at being agile and acrobatic and instead accidentally bellyflopped into the chilling waters of the bay.  She eventually managed to drag herself out get back up on the dock.

Mr. Mentalo on the other hand figured out what was going on and drove the Mental Mobile over to the ship, jumped out and opened the cargo hold just in time for Locamotive to drop the Jaguar in.  It thrashed about inside the cargo hold but eventually as the sound of police sirens approached, the thrashing became less and less frequent until all was silent inside the hold.  Police officers and agents from the FBI approached the bedraggled heroes as the surveyed their prize but all they found inside the hold was a naked boy named Tim who was both dazed and confused.  The only thing to indicate that the Jaguar had even been inside the hold was the huge claw marks and dents  thoughout the thick steel plates that made up the cargo hold.  Eventually Tim was released back to the custody of his parents.  Authorities sent to Dr. Kreigers safehouse only found the old buttler and through him discovered that the owner of the house had also been involved in an insurance scheme to get money from fires plaguing the GA Bund halls which he owned.

Most Memerable Moment-  Emerald Dawn blowing her acrobatics and to-hit rolls while attempting to land on the captured Jaguar.  Instead belly-flopping into the icy cold waters of the bay.

Most Memerable Quote-  ?

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