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Ep.16-  Terror on the Train Part 2 (2/15/01)

Mercury (Hilary Goldstein)
Locomotive (Ed Goldstein/Absent)
Green Lantern/Quasimodaius (Tom Tibbals)
Captain Canondrum (Rob Killen/Absent)


Location-  On a train to Washington State

Date-  5 Jan. 1942

Green Lantern and Mercury took off after the stranger who had manifested into some form of strange creature bent on killing people.  They managed to knock the creature off the the train with a blast from Green Lantern.  Afterwards they met with Crimson Nun to see if she was alright and to find out if she knew anything about the creature.  After finding out nothing they decided to talk to the passengers in the dining car to see if they might know anything.  With very little information to go on they turned in again to sleep.  Later they were again awakened by a womans scream and some activity in the main corridor.  In the dinning car they found several of the passenger comforting a imagrant woman from Italy who was crying hysterically.  They managed to find out from her son Mario that his brother had been kidnapped by somebody during the night.  They searched the train cars but were only able to find a bloody scrap of blanket presumed to be the tykes.  They revealed this to the other trian passenger but they seemed oddly strange and emotionless.  Eventually they started to say "Must go to the Father".

Soon the train entered a tunnel and somebody hit the emergency brake causing the train to stop inside the tunnel.  Passengers then began to exit the train into the freezing winter cold and moving back to the luggage cars.  Locomotive and Mercury tried to keep them inside but were overwhelemed by the number of passengers saying "Must go to the Father".  They headed to the train engine but found the power to the batteries had been cut and were unable to get the train rolling again.  Crimson Nun and her Priestly companion were also not fairing so well and they had to knock out Canunundrum in order to keep him inside.  Green Lantern went back to the dining car to raid the bar after being confronted by some holy water Crimson Nun had been splashing on some of the passengers.  He eventually managed to get into a good drunken stupor.

Locomotive and Mercury headed back to the luggage car and found that it was encased in ice.  The broke through it and found the creature standing in the middle of a pile of frozen passengers.  Locomotive charged in to take the creature on hand to hand and Mercury tried to bash at it with some items on hand.  Eventually he gave that up and found a crate of explosives.  He lit some oily rags and put them on the crate and told Locomotive to run.  Unfortunately for Locomotive he was tied up with the creature and busy trying to break out of its grip.  He managed to break free and start running for the other car.  It was at about this moment that Mercury passed Green Lantern in the corridor and told him to run.  Unfortunately for him being so drunk, he misunderstood and kept running towards the luggage compartment.  He eventually was hit by Locomotive and the force of the explosives going off sent the two reeling back into the next car.  The force of the explosives also triggered a cave in and the luggage car was burried under tons of debris.

Locomotive was later able to get the train engine going and resque the surviving passengers.  They eventulally found the journal of the reporter who was traveling with them and burried her story.

Most Memerable Moment-  Locomotive running into Green Langern after being propelled into the air by the force of the explosives exploding.
Most Memerable Quote-  "RUN", said Mercury after lighting the crate of explosives.

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