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Ep.2-  Nazi Horrors (Part 1)

Chameleon (Hilary Goldstein)
Locomotive aka Zeph  (Ed Goldstein)

Jack Kimbal- Zeph's best friend at work
Oliver Brombach- GA Bund Recruiter
Edward Grutzner- GA Bund Leader
Joe the bum
Roger the other bum
Martha Elders
Ethel Morton
Alfred Morton
Timmy the Hitler Youth kid
Alex the deformed escaped Nazi Experiment Kid
Dr. Otto Von Kreiger
Holle Feuer (Hell Fire)
Nazi Flunky

Location- Peter Epel Hall- Northside, Bismark Hotel - Uptown,  Chunky Tuna Canary - Docks

Date- Tuesday, 14 Oct. 1941 to Friday, 17 Oct. 1941

The first real adventure with handouts and everything.  The guys were reading the Chicago Times for 14 Oct. 1941 and saw
their exploits from their first adventure foiling the bank heist.  They also read about the rash of missing children in the Chicago
area and about a number of meeting halls owned or rented by the local chapter of the German American Bund being burned to
the ground as anti-bund terrorists strike.  While Locomotive was reading the newspaper during an early morning break at the
train yard, he and his coworkers were approached by a couple of members of the GA Bund who started handing out leaflets
encouraging them to attend the big meeting they would be having on friday Oct. 17th at the Peter Epel Hall in Northside.
Locomotive ends up taking a flier and shooting the breeze with his buddy Jack Kimbal about the Bund and what their trying to
do.  Chameleon on the other hand was at work teaching high school english at that time.  He noticed several kids wearing what
appeared to be Hitler youth uniforms.  After class he cornered one of them and asked them about the uniform.  Timmy, the
Hitler youth kid, told him that his dad just joined the GA Bund and had gotten him into the GA Bund youth program and
therefore he had to wear his uniform as a sign of unity.  He asked the school principle about the GA Bund kids but so far there
hadn't been any complaints about them.  He then decided to check out the local GA Bund hall to see what was going on.

After school, Chameleon caught the El to Northside and staked out Peter Epel Hall for a few hours from a diner across the
street.  At about 6pm a bunch of people began to arrive to the former dance hall, a rather plain 2 story brick building.  After a
while Chameleon decided to check the place out and turned invisible and went inside through a second story office window.
The upstairs office area was empty so he decided to go downstairs to see what was going on.  At downstairs the GA Bund
members were in full swing.  They were using the old dance hall as a meeting area and the front stage had been converted into a
podium using the somewhat garish lighting to maximum dramatic effect.  After a rousing talk by the Edward Grutzner, the local
GA Bund Leader, Mr. Otto Von Kreiger, a German Political Attaché, took the stand.  The frail old man gave a rousing speech
about the state of the Fatherland and explained why Hitler wanted to remain at peace with America and why it was necessary
for Germany to punish their foes.  At the end of his speech the crowd gave a standing ovation and afterwards the speakers
went through the crowd to mingle.  Chameleon took that opportunity to move into the crowd and meet Mr. Otto Von Kreiger.
After voicing some negative sentiments to Kreiger, Grutzner noticed that Chameleon was not a core GA Bund member and
signaled for a couple of bruisers to escort him out.  Outside he decided to attach himself to Mr. Otto Von Kreigers car and go
home to the Bismark hotel with him and the 3 goons that also piled into the car.  At the Bismark Chameleon followed Kreiger
to his room and then waited for an opportunity to get Kreiger alone.  He cornered him in the bathroom and then proceeded to
tell Kreiger "I'm on to you", before darting out the bathroom window.

After Work, Locomotive went down to the local tavern with his coworkers for some drinks.  After a couple of drinks he left
the place and took the Cross-town to the Sacred Heart Orphanage in Oak Park.  He ended up talking to a wino named Joe
about anything suspicious but Joe didn't know anything.  They then went over to Roger the bum who usually worked that
neighborhood and asked him about the kidnappings.  Roger noticed on the night of the Kidnappings that a fancy black car was
parked across the street from the orphanage.  Locomotive then went over to one of the houses across from the orphanage and
proceeded to question an old lady by the name of Martha Elders about the kidnapping.  She didn't know anything but she
turned Locomotive on to her neighbor who might know something.  Locomotive asked the Neighbors and found out from
Alfred Mortan that he had noticed a strange car across the street and that it had had strange plates, maybe government plates.
While Locomotive was walking home from the El he noticed a little sniffling sound coming from a dark alley.  He found that it
was Alex, one of the missing kids.  Alex avoided moving into the light but he was able to lead Locomotive to the Chunky Tuna
Canning Warehouse, the place he had been taken to on the docks and inhumanly experimented on.

Chameleon waited around Kreigers hotel for some time until he saw them leaving the place in a hurry.  He then climbed onto
the top of the car and went with them to their final destination, the Chunky Tuna Canning Warehouse on the docks.  He met up
with the Locomotive, who he remembered from the bank, and decided that they would break into the warehouse to see what
was going on inside.  The found two goons in an upstairs office playing cards and one goon downstairs guarding a door to
another room.  Chameleon whacked the goon guarding the door and charged into what appeared to be a corner of hell.  A
bunch of metal tables had been arranged in rows  inside the room and chained to each of them was apparently a missing child.
Otto Von Kreiger was busily administering to each of them, extracting something from them with a hypodermic needle.  At the
sight of Locomotive, Chameleon was invisible of course, Kreiger jabbed the needle into his arm and proceeded to grow and
transform into an inhumanly muscled giant version of himself.  Locomotive threw an empty table at him while Chameleon ran up
and kicked him as hard as he could.  Soon the two goons from upstairs heard the ruckus and came down to investigate.  One
of them was Wraithe.  He just slid through the floor and jumped into the fight.  Hell Fire was still running down the stairs.  A big
fight ensued and it seemed that the hero were outmatched.  Wraithe had managed to pass his hand through Locomotive,
disrupting his heart and causing him to pass out.  All seemed lost but finally Chameleon managed to hit Wraithe while he was
solid and knocked his block off.  Hell Fire on the other hand was not sitting still through all of this and as lobbing fireballs all
over the place, managing to miss Chameleon and Locomotive every time.  Finally, Dr. Kreiger ran out to the Canary portion of
the Warehouse and turned on all of the equipment.  He planned to throw one of the heroes into the tuna grinder but Chameleon
beat him to it and kicked Hell Fire in to be ground up like little fishey.  Seeing that he was outnumbered, Dr. Kreiger grabbed
up the unconscious Locomotive and proceeded to leave the building.  Chameleon managed to get Locomotive but Dr. Kreiger
slipped away.

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