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Ep. 9 To Hunt the Hunter (10/12/00)

Locomotive aka Zeph  (Ed Goldstein)
Capt. Chameleon (Hilary Goldstein)
Green Lantern (Tom Tibbals)
Emerald Dawn (Amy Crittenden/Absent)
Ursari (Greg Hasslam/Absent)

Agent Saunders
Agent Warren
Jack Kimbal (RR Yard Worker)
Robert Davidson (Locamotive's dad)
Prof. Carl Jurgenson (Chicago Museum of Natural History)
Fred (Chicago Museum of Natural History night watchman)

Location-  Chicago Museum of Natural History

Date-  A dark and rainy night on 30 October, 1941

Green Lantern and Locamotive were brought to the Chicago Museum of Natural History by FBI agent Warren.  They arrived soon after sundown and found that the lights to the museum had gone out.  Agent Warren went back to the car to get a flashlight and as Green Lantern and Locamotive waited for him at the door.

Inside the Museum in the back office/work room of Prof. Jurgenson, Cpt. Chameleon, Emeral Dawn, and Ursari decided to split up.  One group was to find the circuit breaker for the lights and the other was to find Fred the night watchman.  Cpt. Chameleon found Fred lying on the floor in a pool of blood his last words before dying were of some crazed beast that attacked him in the darkness.  They eventually made their way to the front of the Museum and met up with Green Lantern, Locamotive and Agent Warren.

As they headed back to Prof. Jurgenson's office they were attacked by a jade, humanoid, jaguar creature.  It charged out of the darkness and slashed Agent Warren, killing him instantly,  and then jumped out the window.  Chameleon went to pursue it but was unable to track it in the mud and trees outside the museum and returned to the group.  They made their way to the safety of the Proffessors office and tried finding a means of getting rid of the Jade Jaguar.  Green Lantern took a South American Cerimonial Spear and propped it next to the door in order to discourage anything from leaping through and trying to grab anybody.  As they waited in the confines of the office they heard gunshots.  Locamotive and Cpt. Chameleon went out to find out what had happened to Ursari, Emerald, and Agent Saunders.  They managed to find the electrical room and discovered that the breakers had been ripped apart presumably by the Jade Jaguar.  They split up to find their missing friends.

Chameleon found agent Saunders lying on the ground and went over see if he was alright.  As he checked the fallen agents vital signs he heard the soft padding of feet behind him and then was body slammed into unconsiousness by the Jade Jaguar.  Soon after Locamotive also found Agent Saunders lying on the ground and went to see if he was alright.  He too was body slammed by the Jade Jaguar but was only stunned and then with a fearsome slash of it's claws Locamotive was also rendered unconsious.  As the minutes ticked by Green Lantern soon began to wonder what had befallen his comrades.  He moved to the door and told the Proffessor to wait for him there but it seemed that the Proffessor had already come up with something to deal with the problem.  He unfortunately used it to unleash a bolt of eldrich flame at Green Lantern knocking him unconsious.

Some time later Cpt. Chameleon, Locamotive, and Green Lantern awoke and found themselves bound and hanging from meat hooks suspended from the ceiling.  Soon after Dr. Kreiger and an antorage of his cronies came in to check on their latest catch.  Chameleon tried faking out the Doctor by turning invisible but was unable to fool him since Dellilah pointed out his pressance.  After much posturing and insult throwing, Kreiger informed the captive trio that they would be donating their bodies to further the goals of the Reich and then left, posting two dog soldiers to look after the intrepid trio.

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