Generation Hero
Campaign Guide

    The purpose of Generation Hero is to play characters from the dawn of superheroes in the 1940's all the way through future heroes of the millennium and beyond.  Since this is an IST GURPS background there are several campaign limiters to make it apperant that not only is the campaign evolving over these many decades but  the nature of superpowers are also changing and growing.  Since the game system we are using is the Hero System for Champions, there are some very strict guidelines to follow in order to keep everybody at the same power level and era.  Look at Campaign Ground rules for each era to see specific changes but this should give you an overview of where things are evolving.

1970's to Present

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You are First Generation Metahumans therefore there are some limitations-
-Characters with enhanced Characteristics were most prevelant (possibly due to metahuman powers being triggered by intense military training)
-Characters are created at 100 pts Base and 100 Disadvantages for 200 total points.
-No Multipowers
-No Electrical based powers
-No Flight (until at least 1948)
-No Life Support: Survive in Vacuum
-Powers are limited to 40 active points
-Normal Characteristic Maxima is in effect
-Normal Weapons can be had for 0 point cost
-Costumes are rare except for in a USO Entertainment fashion.

Any other character differences can be found in Golden Age of Champions

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Flight is just becoming a common power
-Characters are created at 125 pts Base and 100 Disadvantages for 225 total points.
-No Multipowers
-No Life Support: Survive in Vacuum
-Powers are limited to 40 active points
-Normal Weapons can be had for 0 point cost
-Costumes are rare

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Supers become much more common due to the Baby-Boom.  Flight is prevelant in the 1960's.
-Characters are created at 150 pts Base and 100 Disadvantages for 250 total points.
-No Life Support: Survive in Vacuum
-Powers are limited to 50 active points
-Normal Weapons can be had for 0 point cost
-Femal Supers become more visible
-Costumes are considered a badge of soidarity and become more common

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1970's to Present
-Characters are created at 150 pts Base and 100 Disadvantages for 250 total points.
-Powers are limited to 60 active points
-Normal Weapons can be had for 0 point cost
-Wearing a costume is a must

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