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Hard Ball
James Paulson
Player Name:  Frank Green

Appearance:  Age appeared 20 (actually 10years old), 5'11", 168 lbs., Brown Eyes, Dark Brown Hair
Point Cost:  550     Unspent: 2.5

ST    11
DX    15
IQ     12
HT    13

Speed    7
Move    7
Flying    14
Super Flight    112

5    Attactive +1
5    Charisma +1
20    Alertness +4
10    High Pain Threshold
85    IST Rank 4
50    Unusual Background (Super)

Super Advantages
8    Hard to kill +2 (-20% EC)
8    Immune to Diseases (-20% EC)
40    Flight
24    Super Flight 3 lvls. (x8)(-10%[-20%] Costs 4 fatigue, -30% twice day {one per hour}, -20% takes four seconds to activate)
21    DR 20 (-20% four times a day {one hour per}, -30% emergencies only, -15% cost 3 fatigue)
56    130 Strength ( -30% twice day {one per hour}, -7% [-15%] costs 3 fatigue, -20% takes four seconds to activate) Max Limitation -75%

60    Fatigue Absorption 16 (6) LC 11 (-20% EC, -20% Range 1 1/2 ft, -10% Full power only, -5% Fatigue Only, +20% Instant, +10% Can go to zero), T lim. -45%, Base Cost 60 pts, Skill cost 24 Drains 1d Fatigue Max Drain 6 per lvl regained at 1 per min.
53    Damage Control 15 (14) LC 3 (+60% Usable Against Others, -30% Must touch skin, -10% Costs 2 fatigue, -20% EC) T Enh +0, Base Cost 45, SKill cost 8
21    Metabolism Control    13(20) LC 1 (+60% Usable Against Others, -30% Must touch skin, -15% Costs 3 fatigue, -20% EC)  Base Cost 20, Skill 2
26    Rotting Touch 15 (2) LC 8 2d-4 damage (+20% Instant, -10% Full power only, +30% hotshotable, -10% 2 fatigue per use, -20% EC) T Enh +10%, Base cost 16, skill 8, range 1 1/2 ft.

Computer Op/TL 8    1    12-
History (International/UN)    2    11
Strategy                    2    11
Tactics                    2    11
Acrobatics                4    15
Artist                        10    14
Caligraphy                2        15
Sports (Baseball)    2    15
Dancing                1    14
Carousing                2    13
Sex Appeal            4    14
Flight                    2    15
Karate                4    15    +3 dam
Throwing            4       15
Broadsword (Bat)    2    15
Fast Draw:  Baseball    1/2    14

-40    Short Lifespan
-10    Overconfident
-5     Sense of duty to friend and companions?
-10    Secret ID
-15    Lecherous
-5     Stubborn
-2     Youth (1/4 value)
-1     Likes to socialize
-1    Prefers older women
-1    Likes baseball
-1    Sleeps in nude

Com Unit
Polykev Jumpsuit
Kevlar Vest- Temp until suit is ready
Baseball's (3)
Baseball Bat (Swing +1)

Protection    PD    DR
Head                2    16
Torso                2    16
Left Arm          2    16
Right Arm        2    16
Hands                0    0
Legs                2    16
Feet                2    16
*not until suit is done, keflar protects torso 2 PD, 14 DR

Active Defenses        Skill
Dodge                        7*
Flying Dodge                9*
*Add PD of location targeted

I really don't remember too much about this guy.  What I do recall is that he was a young boy who grew abnormally fast.  Since his aging was accellerated, he decided to join IST in hopes of getting it slowed down.

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