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Katherine "Kitty" Pryde
Player:  Michael Knight
Appearance: Age 17, 54", 105 lb., Blue Eyes, Brown Hair, Female

Point Cost: 661     Unspent 0
ST 9
DX 14
IQ 17
HT 12

Speed 6.5
Move 6
Thrust 1d-2 Swing Id-i
Skills                    Cost  Pts. Advantages Super Advantages Disadvantages
Computer Op/TL8 1        17
Electronics/TL8 4             17
Computer Prog/TL8 4      17
Electronics OpJTL8 4       18
Mathematics 4                  17
MindBldck 2                    17
Judo 8                              15
AK: U.K. 1                      17
AK: London     1              17
French    4                         13
Russian4 1                         12
English 0                            17
Driving(Car) 4                    15
History (lntemational,U.N.) 16
Strategy  2                          16
Tactics 2                            16
Beam Weap +2                  15
Guns+2                              15
25 Very Beautiful +2+6
 15 Charisma+3
 90 AlIy(Lockheed)
 85 lST Rank4
 50 Unusual Background(Super)
216 Insubstantiality (+100% Heavy Encumbrance,
+20% Instant, +10% Link, Reflexive
9   Dampen LC 3 17(6) (+10% Link, 60% Total Uncontrolled always on)
5   Astral Sight 25 yds 16 skill
-15  Weirdness Magnet
-10 Bad Sight(Near Sighted) wears contacts
-2 Youth

-1 Worries about Lockheed
-1 Often forgets contacts
-1Fashion Dresser
-1 Always talks to Lockheed
-1 Loves Chocolate

Com Unit
Polykev-Envirosuit Costume: face partially exposed PD 2 DR 16
Blaster Pistol
Contact Lenses wi cleaner
Bug Detector

Active Defenses     Skill
Dodge                     6*
SuperFade                17
*Add PD of location targeted

small purple dragon: 2' long, 1' tail, 4' wingspan, 15 lbs. -3 to hit due to small size

ST 3
DX 14
IQ 16
HT 1316

Speed 5.5 Move 5 Dodge 7 Flying 10 Flying Dodge 9

Understand English (14) cannot speak
10 Immune to Disease
30 Flight x2 Move
100 Unusual Background
12 Flame Breath 14(2)
100 Invulnerability to Psionics
30 PD 2 (small size and quick)

-1 Protects Kitty Pryde
-15 No Fine Manipulators
-15 Mute
-10 Inconvenient Size

Yes, Shadowcat was apart of our IST game.  Mike loved the character and Dave let him bring her in.  He did a great job playing her and she managed to pull our butts out of the fire on several occasions.

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